
Laurel Rising is a creative endeavor of self expression through writing and art as I journey through life experiences. After my father’s passing, I began to write in order to process my grief.  Writing became a creative and therapeutic approach to process my journey through life’s experiences.  I enjoy constant discovery, which has led to many hobbies and interests including dance, pottery, painting, and writing.  I live, work, write, and play in western Pennsylvania with my husband, children and dogs.

Recent Posts

I Haven’t Forgotten

As we remember those who were taken far too soon, those who worked tirelessly to save and help, let us also remember how we came together to support one another.  Never forget how we stood as one in the face of terror and grief.

Slow is Enough

Give yourself credit for what you ARE doing and giving. Yes, it’s hard. Yes, it hurts. Yes, we can continue to hope.

Truth in the Fog

We can choose truth. We can choose kindness. What binds us in unity remains, regardless of how dim it appears or distant it feels. We simply must trust its presence.

Calling BS on The Myth of the Millennial Hustle

Hustling overrides our intuition, hijacks our methods, and brainwashes us to believe that it is justified in doing so — “It will all be worth it in the end.” I will not play the Hustle game in the Land of BS. Instead, I will choose slow and steady. I will choose the messiness of REAL.…


We can begin by first being gracious with ourselves and family. We can reset what is in our circle of control. We can grow our circle to include daily interactions that might, just might bring a glimmer of hope, a shred of understanding, or an ounce of empathy to someone in dire need.


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